Retake Photo Information

Did you miss picture day? Didn’t love your photo?

¿Te perdiste el día de la foto? ¿No te gustó tu foto?

We do not offer retakes at school sites. Our company sets up photos at our offices and other convenient locations several times per season. You can schedule an appointment with a photographer to have your photo done at a date and time that we are available in your area.

No ofrecemos repeticiones de fotografías en las escuelas. Nuestra empresa organiza fotografías en nuestras oficinas y otros lugares convenientes varias veces por temporada. Puede programar una cita con un fotógrafo para que le tome la fotografía en una fecha y hora en las que estemos disponibles en su área.

Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I book my retake?

We offer locations in several parts of Arizona. Choose your location from our calendar to see the dates and times we are available. We typically choose neutral and open to the public venues, such as libraries or similar locations.

Is there a cost to book a retakes?

You will pay a $25 fee to reserve your date and time for your retake. When you attend your retake session we will provide you a coupon code for an instant download of your photo. (A $40 Value) If you do not attend your retake session, there are no refunds.

Can I bring siblings or other family members for photos?

Yes, you can bring siblings or other family members. However, please keep in mind that you only have a 5 minute timeslot to take photos. You will only be given one coupon code for a download, no matter how many photos you take.

Can I approve the photos taken?

Yes! You will be able to preview and approve of the images that are taken. We will spend your appointment time with you to ensure you love your photos.

Are there Caps & Gowns or other props available?

When you book your session online, you will select the type of photo. If you are wanting to do Cap & Gown or a Tux & Drape session, let us know you need the cap & gown and we’ll be sure to have it ready for you!