Choose to be photographed on one, or multiple different backgrounds. (background options may differ from school to school)
We’ll spend about 30 minutes with you on your portraits. We suggest and allow for one outfit change.
Cap and Gown portraits will be available as well. We’ll already have a cap and gown for your school colors on hand for picture day.
Your Appointment Time
You’ll have a 30 minute appointment for your portraits, this includes any time you spend changing outfits.
During this time, you can choose from any of the background sets that we have at your school.
We recommend you bring a few different outfits so you can change into the one that you feel fits best with the background sets at your school. We suggest that you be photographed in one or two different outfits. You may opt to use more than two, if time allows.
United Portraits will have your school’s cap and gowns on hand. You may bring your own cap and gown, or use the one that we have provided.
Bring any props such as instruments, letterman jackets, sports equipment, or accessories for your hobby. Please check with your school if they allow for pets.
You can take as many poses as you please during your 30 minute window, most seniors will take between 12 and 18 photos from a variety of different background sets. You’ll choose 6 photos from each set that you decide to be photographed on.
The 6 photos from each background you choose will be the ones that United Portraits edits and makes available online for purchasing.

Come Prepared
You’ll want to be camera ready when you arrive.
This means that you will want to have your hair and makeup done. We do not provide make-up artists on-site.
You should arrive dressed in your first outfit that you wish to take photos with.
Make sure to bring your phone with you.
Arrive 5-10 minutes early to check-in and create your barcode at
If you wish to bring a parent or friend, we will allow one other person to accompany you during your photoshoot.
If you wish to take buddy photos or photos with a family member, they must be the one person that accompanies you to your photoshoot.
Prepare for your portraits.

No need to stress.
– Get your scheduling link from your school.
– Book your appointment time and date.
– Pick out and plan your outfits.
– Schedule your haircuts, makeup & nails
– Arrive on time & be ready to have fun!
On-Location Senior Portraits Powered by Sparkle by United Portraits